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Safety Policy

Flightworx is committed to the introduction and continuous improvement of formal Safety Management Systems and methods, which enable the identification of hazards, the analysis of risk and the implementation of appropriate defenses.

Flightworx is committed to providing appropriate resources to set and achieve the highest possible operational safety standards, complying with all applicable legislation, assessing best practice for suitability to our operation whilst applying Human Factors principles.

Flightworx will continuously work in accordance with Regulations and associated guidance material.

Our objective is the proactive management of identifiable risks and the elimination of injury to personnel and damage to equipment.

All employees are empowered, and indeed have a duty, to report incidents and hazards, and suggest corrective actions through our confidential reporting system which is available to everyone.

Flightworx will not blame someone for reporting something which would not have been otherwise detected.

Safety is the primary responsibility of all managers and we commit to train staff in the management of safety and document our findings and responses.

Each manager shall implement safety management practices in their area of responsibility and shall be held accountable for ensuring that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent incident and

Flightworx operates a Just Culture, where staff are not punished for actions, omissions, or decisions they take and report to us which are commensurate with experience and training, but gross negligence, disobedience, or misbehaviour, wilful violations and destructive acts are not tolerated.

While ultimate responsibility for safety in the company rests with me as Accountable Manager, responsibility for ensuring our operation is safe for everyone lies with each and every employee.

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