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5 of the Most Important Airport Security Procedures and Processes

5 of the Most Important Airport Security Procedures and Processes

When thinking of airport security, bag checks and X-rays come to mind first, and for good reason too. However, there…

How Would a 3,000-Mile Flight Diversion to Manchester Impact Global Flight Logistics?

How Would a 3,000-Mile Flight Diversion to Manchester Impact Global Flight Logistics?

There are many reasons why flights could be diverted. Perhaps there is an onboard medical emergency, unexpected weather conditions, or…

Inside an Air Traffic Control Room: Navigating the Skies from the Ground

Inside an Air Traffic Control Room: Navigating the Skies from the Ground

Air traffic control rooms are strategic nerve centres in the aviation industry. These facilities are where highly trained professionals use…

The Impact of AI On Aviation Logistics

The Impact of AI On Aviation Logistics

Aviation is a key industry where AI will inevitably improve efficiency and increase competition. Any airlines or airports reluctant to…

How Airports and Airlines Are Trying to Cut Back on Carbon Footprint

How Airports and Airlines Are Trying to Cut Back on Carbon Footprint

With global warming at the forefront of the international agenda, airports and airlines must think of innovative ways to cut…

How Do Drone Deliveries Work?

How Do Drone Deliveries Work?

In recent years, the rapid advancement of drone technology has ushered in a new era of logistics and delivery services,…

airplane connected to airport

The Crucial Role of Flight Planning, Buffer Time, and Fuel Management in Optimising Operational Efficiency in Aviation

In the aviation industry, where profit margins are slim and operational excellence is critical, flight planning, buffer time, and fuel…

logistics for private jets

Unveiling the Runway: Navigating the Logistics of UK Private Jet Travel

Embarking on a journey with a private jet in the UK is an experience that combines luxury, efficiency, and meticulous…

green aviation advancement UK

UK Government’s £53 Million Injection into SAF: Advancing Green Aviation

The UK’s sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) sector is set to receive a £53 million boost from the government, aiming to…

Aviation Fuel Types: From Jet Fuel to Sustainable Alternatives

Aviation Fuel Types: From Jet Fuel to Sustainable Alternatives

The world of aviation relies heavily on specialised fuels to power its diverse range of aircraft. Primarily, there are two…

picture displaying aviation fuel services

Cutting Costs: How Aviation Fuel Suppliers Can Combat Rising Fuel Prices

Aviation fuel suppliers play a vital role in the aviation industry. They are responsible for providing the fuel that powers…

applying for aviation permits

Mastering the Skies: Key Considerations When Applying for Permits

In the intricate world of aviation, obtaining the requisite permits is a pivotal step, in ensuring the seamless operation of…

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